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I'm Big Mama KnowHow

Many years ago on one of my particular birthdays  our Pastor and I decided to start a joke about me turning a certain age. We changed me into an older lady walking up front with a walker. We never knew that she would become the person she would eventually become.  As the  years went by  Big Mama KnowHow would visit the church at times or be a part of programs causing a little laughter a long the way. We had such a good time and even a few others began to get into the characters played.  I thank my Jesus for allowing me to bring forth love and laughter to others and be a part of others having fun with me. A couple of the ladies have gone to be with Jesus but I thank Him for allowing me wonderful memories.   Today there is this thing called Social Media and Websites to get the word out and hopefully spread some joy your way, whether it be a smile or a good ole belly laugh! So look out yaw cause Mama has a lot to tell and she will soon be telling it!! Stay tuned!!! Love yas!!!!

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