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Please Keep Me In Your Will

I was going through an old page that I have on Facebook called Put on the Whole Armor of God. I hope you enjoy the message.

I previously had wrote this note only for it not to save and for me to start over. Either I didn’t do a very good job at it or we know who was trying to make my temper boil. Well guess what? It didn’t work so I say here we go again with a smile on my face and coffee in hand. Well ok! adding to this paragraph maybe a third time will work. Was typing away when all of a sudden the computer just froze up. Hmmmmmm! Going through my e-drive and sorting some old photos, I came across a video of my son and I singing Keep Me In Your Will at the Old Time Gospel Show in 2009. The video quality was not the greatest but to listen to the lyrics the words touched me so much that I began to cry. There are so many going through different struggles in our lives. Some with family, some with finances, others with drug and alcohol addictions. Many different things in many different lives. We are all given a path to follow in life, and it is how we choose to follow our path into the world that prepares us for what is ahead. We do things in our daily lives that we can either rejoice in it or we can complain about. I’ll admit I am one of the first ones that has done a whole lot of complaining, but as I think upon what I complained about, I think how does that really effect me? If I complain is it really going to make a difference? Some people try to run from life, or as they say drown their sorrows using alcohol and the high of drugs. What happens when you stop running? What happens when you sober up or come down from the high? There comes a time when we must face the problem and deal with it. How we deal with the problem is what matters. Do you pray about it? How much time have you given to God put your trust in Him to help see you through? I’m not saying that pain will be taken away quickly but with God in your life the pain can be soften. There are some who say they had God in their lives but He did nothing to help. Well again, how much time did you devote to God? How much time was only when you wanted something. Why should God answer us if we are constantly placing him on the back burner until we need Him, and then how much of that was real trust. God has given us all strength inside. We just need to know how to use it. God can show you! Many know that God has a will in their lives but say they can’t figure it out. Pray, Pray Pray! Instead of questioning God just listen. Listen closely and one day you will know. To know Gods will in your life you must read His word and study it. Psalm 143:10 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. NIV Psalm 40:8 I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart. KJB As I was closing this note, I felt led to go to the website of Andrew Wommack Ministries and right there under his devotional section was a great sentence I wish to share with you. "To be filled with the knowledge of God's will, we must be filled with God's Word. God's Word is His will!" (for more information about this devotional please go to Andrew Wommacks Ministries devotional) As the song goes Keep me in your will, so I won’t be in your way.

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