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Updated: Feb 10, 2020

Do you believe in God? Do you ever feel that something is missing in your life? Several years ago, I started a Facebook page call Put on the Whole Armor of God. It has helped me face some obstacles that I know others have gone through life trials. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and while some may be offended by what I say, it is my life and my own opinion. God gave us a free choice to believe or not to believe. How do you know it is untrue? How do you really? Faith is believing in things unseen. We believe in a breeze but we can’t see it, yet we feel it. We believe in love but we can’t see it, yet we feel it too. As I see new articles emerge I will place their links on here so that maybe you can find more insight.

Here is a good one to start with

Also, I would like to place my Facebook page on here so that you can go read notes, see pictures and maybe listen to some of the music.

Bottoms Up!

Published by Lorrie Simmons · October 23, 2015, at 8:49 pm

To the laptop, I head with my coffee in hand to write about a marvelous adventure last Sunday. My birthday was in August. My youngest daughter bought me a ticket to see one of my most favorite Christian Singers Nichole Nordeman. I have been so excited to see her. I was able to share the opportunity with my youngest daughter and her boyfriend’s mom. All I can say is Nichole was awesome! New music and old music with such a love for God. Nichole explained to the audience that she had recently divorced and for her, it was so very hard because she of all people was a Christian artist and pretty much the whole world looks upon a person like her to carry on a role model of not having problems like this. A new song Nichole shared with us called The Unmaking. This song hit me like a ton of bricks falling down on me. The song felt as if it was about the last several years of being on the bottom, feeling at times that I can never climb my way back out. I know for so many out there, if they heard this song they would feel it about them as well and in society Christian or not, people want to judge for what they see and not for what really goes on behind the closed door. As Nichole tried to hide her trouble marriage for some time, we all do the same thing. We fear that if society sees what has happened or what we have become that we would be shunned even further down. I am here today to say stand up! Stand up for all the pain you have or are going through! God has never given up on you no matter the cost. God loves us for us and not for what we look like or struggle through in life. He helps us overcome the struggle. He places others in our lives to help us see the perfect us in a sad and trying situation. Some of those people you would never think in a million years of being the one who brings out from that bottom to shine! Having a support group of love and caring people. Christians if you are judging people on how they look and act, back off! You are not being a Christian. You do not know what has happened or happening in their lives! They may be overcoming a rape, a bad marriage that they tried to save, being out on their own due to abuse, drug and alcohol abuse etc. They need someone to love them, not tell them all the bad things they are doing. They need someone to listen to them and share the love of Jesus! Letting them know that no matter what they have done in their past that accepting Jesus into their lives wipes the slate clean and they are free from what is holding them down. Trials will still come, but the difference is Jesus is there to carry us through even when we do not think He is. I was visiting my oldest son a couple of weeks ago, with a couple of my daughters. We overheard him and his girlfriend in a discussion while we were trying to sleep. I remember hearing him say to her, “You see that woman down there?", "I remember when she was so strong and now look at her, and she is so broken". I remember getting up, walking over to them, and said, "I may be broken son, but guess what? I am still standing and will continue to stand." The next thing I knew my youngest daughter stood up and she started in on a whole speech that only could have come from God. She even admitted it later that she was not sure where it came from. I sit and listen to the new song The Unmaking and think, "You know what? The difference from years ago, and now is that Jesus is holding me to stand strong." So, Bottoms up people! Sometimes we must hit that rock bottom to see ourselves back up, with an exception! Jesus can be with you and all you must do is call out His wonderful name! Believe that he was born of a virgin, died for our sins and rose again! The gift of grace is free and it is a choice from you, not a forcefulness saying you must. The only way to the kingdom of Heaven is by accepting Jesus! We are human and we fail. The only perfect man died on the cross for you and me! I will take that Bottom-up if that is what it had to take to find a perfect love! One who will never leave us or forsake us! You say what Jesus can do for you. Well, what have you done so far without him? You must find that out for yourself, what He can do for you. I cannot tell you that. I can tell you though that is easier with knowing someone died just because He loved us so much and is willing to be there for me when I make a mistake! I am not alone and He will never leave me! I love you all! Good day all!

UPDATE 2020 Life is wonderful! From the bottom and working my way up has been adventurous and sometimes challenging but let me tell you, I know that my Jesus has been with me all the way! My life has been changing for the better with a job that I love, a roof over my head and food in my tummy. New journeys and I know that it can only get better from here! Stay Strong and Believe!!!

the web link is to the video of The Unmaking

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