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The Flight

I was thinking about this dream the other day. I am so happy that I came across this post that I wrote a long while back. I wanted to share this post again. I feel the same now as I did then. Please take time to read it and seek.

To the laptop with coffee in hand to tell of a magnificent dream I had for a few minutes last night.

I awoke out of a dream early this morning feeling a peace, but also a sadness. I started dreaming that I was flying really fast into the sky almost like a rocket. I couldn't see anything around me but blue skies with swirly clouds mixed. The sky was as bright as could be. I was flying straight up like superman towards the Heavens in a super speed. In front of me way ahead I could see I think my mom and a few other people. I felt so excited and the smile that was on my face as I knew where I was going. As I was flying, I looked over and told my brother, you can come too if you want. As I was getting closer within all my excitement though, my mind started questioning me. I'm going to see Jesus, but is He going to accept me? Of all the things I have done on earth, did I really give my time to Him and will he still accept me for all the wrong doings? All of a sudden all I could hear from that moment on was I was calling out, I love you Jesus!!! over and over I was calling His name saying I Love you Jesus! At that moment I woke up from this small dream that felt so real.

My question to you today is, Do you really know Jesus?

Have you accepted Him as your Lord and Savior?

You do realize that good works doesn't get you into Heaven? The only way through is by knowing Jesus as your Lord and Savior

Are you living the life He is acceptable of? or is He on the backburner?

And what was it all about with my brother? Are we letting our family and friends know that without Jesus there is no Heaven, but only Hell and that both places do exist.

There are Christians sitting in churches today, or claim to be Christians that have not accepted Jesus as their personal Savior, but yet want to judge those who are not going to church, listening to His music, living the Christian way! Time to get a self check people!

I know that I am a big stumbling block to others at times. I tend to get on the angry side at times and I know that is how the Devil likes to feed into me. Even this morning when I was trying to get things off of my phone, the phone kept messing up, I started getting a little agitated at the phone. So out loud I said I need music! I turned on KLOVE and took a deep breath. A couple more times the phone and I fought, but in a different way, I smiled at it and said whatever! I was able to get all the stuff off of it that I needed.

If you have done wrong in your lives, it doesn't matter to God. He will wipe the slate clean when you accept Jesus as your Savior and turn from those sins. He has forgiven the worst of the worst and the best of the best because He is an Awesome God! Will trials quit and everything will become peachy keen? Absolutely not! The difference though, is that now with Him in your life, He will get you through! I love Jesus! I will shout His name on mountain tops!

I know some still are like, Why would you want to serve a God who doesn't give you riches, instead puts you through so many more disasters in life.

Let me tell you! I am rich! Rich beyond all things! It may not be money, but it is knowing that God loves me so much that He is saving a place for me in the Kingdom of Heaven! I know for some it is just to hard to believe and say there is nothing once we are gone. But answer me this, How do you know? How do you really know? Until then I choose to believe in Gods existence through what the Bible says, by the miracles I have actually seen performed that only God could do and by peace He can bring over you, and by feeling His presence as I speak with Him.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

John 3:16-17

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Love ya all!

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